BOCA ICPC LATAM - 2020 (in 2021) | Scoreboard | Statistics | Runs List | Clarifications | Tasks List


Runs by Problem

A balloon 291 (3%)
B balloon 12920 (16%)
C balloon 414137 (33%)
D balloon 728203 (28%)
E balloon 17764 (36%)
F balloon 606 (10%)
G balloon 11 (100%)
H balloon 9244 (48%)
I balloon 71 (14%)
J balloon 14229 (20%)
K balloon 16574 (45%)
L balloon 416158 (38%)
M balloon 251 (4%)
N balloon 738261 (35%)

Runs by Problem and Answer

Problems x AnswersNO - Class name mismatchNO - Compilation errorNO - Problem mismatchNO - Runtime errorNO - Time limit exceededNO - Wrong answerNO - Wrong languageYESTotal
A balloon 0001 (3%)1 (3%)26 (90%)01 (3%)29
B balloon 02 (2%)05 (4%)12 (9%)90 (70%)020 (16%)129
C balloon 1 (0%)9 (2%)09 (2%)38 (9%)220 (53%)0137 (33%)414
D balloon 4 (1%)7 (1%)033 (5%)112 (15%)366 (50%)3 (0%)203 (28%)728
E balloon 02 (1%)08 (5%)28 (16%)75 (42%)064 (36%)177
F balloon 06 (10%)05 (8%)20 (33%)23 (38%)06 (10%)60
G balloon 00000001 (100%)1
H balloon 01 (1%)07 (8%)9 (10%)31 (34%)044 (48%)92
I balloon 000006 (86%)01 (14%)7
J balloon 2 (1%)4 (3%)1 (1%)15 (11%)58 (41%)33 (23%)029 (20%)142
K balloon 00010 (6%)48 (29%)32 (19%)1 (1%)74 (45%)165
L balloon 07 (2%)014 (3%)56 (13%)181 (44%)0158 (38%)416
M balloon 02 (8%)01 (4%)5 (20%)16 (64%)01 (4%)25
N balloon 11 (1%)11 (1%)017 (2%)1 (0%)436 (59%)1 (0%)261 (35%)738

Runs by Problem and Language

Problems x LanguagesCC++17JavaPython3Total
A balloon 026 (90%)03 (10%)29
B balloon 0119 (92%)4 (3%)6 (5%)129
C balloon 0362 (87%)9 (2%)43 (10%)414
D balloon 1 (0%)550 (76%)48 (7%)129 (18%)728
E balloon 1 (1%)164 (93%)2 (1%)10 (6%)177
F balloon 059 (98%)01 (2%)60
G balloon 01 (100%)001
H balloon 092 (100%)0092
I balloon 07 (100%)007
J balloon 0119 (84%)7 (5%)16 (11%)142
K balloon 0162 (98%)03 (2%)165
L balloon 0378 (91%)6 (1%)32 (8%)416
M balloon 017 (68%)08 (32%)25
N balloon 2 (0%)437 (59%)79 (11%)220 (30%)738

Runs by Language

C41 (25%)
C++172493894 (36%)
Java15518 (12%)
Python347187 (18%)

Runs by Language and Answer

Languages x AnswersNO - Class name mismatchNO - Compilation errorNO - Problem mismatchNO - Runtime errorNO - Time limit exceededNO - Wrong answerNO - Wrong languageYESTotal
C01 (25%)001 (25%)1 (25%)01 (25%)4
C++17044 (2%)1 (0%)83 (3%)275 (11%)1196 (48%)0894 (36%)2493
Java18 (12%)4 (3%)014 (9%)30 (19%)67 (43%)4 (3%)18 (12%)155
Python302 (0%)028 (6%)82 (17%)271 (58%)1 (0%)87 (18%)471

Runs by Answer

NO - Class name mismatch18
NO - Compilation error51
NO - Problem mismatch1
NO - Runtime error125
NO - Time limit exceeded388
NO - Wrong answer1535
NO - Wrong language5

Runs by User and Problem

Users x ProblemsA balloon B balloon C balloon D balloon E balloon F balloon G balloon H balloon I balloon J balloon K balloon L balloon M balloon N balloon TotalAccepted
[USP] Hoje tem AC do Ribamar04 (31%)1 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)001 (8%)02 (15%)1 (8%)1 (8%)01 (8%)138 (62%)
[UFRR] KLM0003 (23%)00000000010 (77%)130
[UEFS] Vêm tranquilo, afoba não0000000002 (50%)0002 (50%)41 (25%)
[USP/São Carlos] cuscuz com cachaça002 (18%)3 (27%)000003 (27%)1 (9%)1 (9%)01 (9%)116 (55%)
[UFAL/Arapiraca] Os k-ésimos005 (45%)1 (9%)2 (18%)0000001 (9%)02 (18%)114 (36%)
[UFMG] Xerebêlerebébis03 (18%)1 (6%)1 (6%)1 (6%)4 (24%)03 (18%)01 (6%)1 (6%)1 (6%)01 (6%)178 (47%)
[UFRN] Que bixiga é essa?003 (25%)1 (8%)2 (17%)000003 (25%)2 (17%)01 (8%)125 (42%)
[UNESP/Bauru] UnespRPM002 (29%)3 (43%)0000000002 (29%)72 (29%)
[UFABC] anarquia às 8002 (33%)1 (17%)1 (17%)000001 (17%)001 (17%)62 (33%)
[UEA] Você é fraco, te falta O(1)001 (10%)1 (10%)2 (20%)2 (20%)00002 (20%)1 (10%)01 (10%)105 (50%)
[UFC] AC(¬‿¬)WA001 (7%)1 (7%)2 (14%)000005 (36%)4 (29%)01 (7%)144 (29%)
[UFG/INF] Monkeys07 (33%)1 (5%)2 (10%)2 (10%)1 (5%)01 (5%)01 (5%)3 (14%)2 (10%)01 (5%)218 (38%)
[UFBA] União Fiasco04 (27%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)2 (13%)01 (7%)02 (13%)1 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)159 (60%)
[UFPA] Sem TLE irmão002 (33%)1 (17%)0000001 (17%)1 (17%)01 (17%)65 (83%)
[PUC/RJ] NP-Lúcia008 (57%)1 (7%)1 (7%)000001 (7%)2 (14%)01 (7%)146 (43%)
[UDESC] Mews Lovers001 (13%)2 (25%)0000002 (25%)2 (25%)01 (13%)85 (63%)
[UFAC] Wrong Answer 1000%0006 (86%)0000000001 (14%)71 (14%)
[UFMA] UFMA Time 1003 (21%)2 (14%)4 (29%)00002 (14%)01 (7%)02 (14%)142 (14%)
[UNIR] EM3.1415NA0001 (20%)0000000004 (80%)51 (20%)
[UFPI] Três caras numa moto004 (20%)3 (15%)1 (5%)00004 (20%)4 (20%)2 (10%)02 (10%)206 (30%)
[UTFPR/CT] Programadores: continue0010 (59%)4 (24%)00000001 (6%)02 (12%)174 (24%)
[USP] KondZhiLa01 (4%)1 (4%)1 (4%)2 (8%)001 (4%)06 (25%)2 (8%)2 (8%)7 (29%)1 (4%)249 (38%)
[UFRGS] [nome_do_time]006 (38%)3 (19%)0000004 (25%)2 (13%)01 (6%)164 (25%)
[UFS] Dorime01 (9%)1 (9%)1 (9%)1 (9%)004 (36%)001 (9%)1 (9%)01 (9%)116 (55%)
[UESB] Qual o nome do time?001 (25%)1 (25%)00000001 (25%)01 (25%)44 (100%)
[UNICAMP] namae wa??04 (21%)1 (5%)2 (11%)1 (5%)1 (5%)01 (5%)05 (26%)1 (5%)1 (5%)1 (5%)1 (5%)1910 (53%)
[UFCG] vae victis06 (29%)1 (5%)1 (5%)1 (5%)008 (38%)01 (5%)1 (5%)1 (5%)01 (5%)218 (38%)
[UFMS/FACOM] Quero café002 (18%)2 (18%)5 (45%)0000001 (9%)01 (9%)115 (45%)
[UFCG] O amarelo é impostor01 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)001 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)4 (29%)1 (7%)1410 (71%)
[UNICAMP] $wa004 (24%)1 (6%)1 (6%)6 (35%)0001 (6%)1 (6%)2 (12%)01 (6%)177 (41%)
[UFMG] GTA: Grover's Street Algorithms02 (11%)3 (16%)2 (11%)1 (5%)3 (16%)02 (11%)03 (16%)1 (5%)1 (5%)01 (5%)198 (42%)
[CEFET-MG/C2] O(f*ck)001 (20%)2 (40%)00000001 (20%)01 (20%)54 (80%)
[UFAL] A query tá on001 (10%)3 (30%)1 (10%)000001 (10%)3 (30%)01 (10%)105 (50%)
[UnB] Rock Lee Casado Não Vai + Pra Pagode004 (24%)3 (18%)2 (12%)4 (24%)00002 (12%)1 (6%)01 (6%)176 (35%)
[ITA] GGG05 (26%)1 (5%)1 (5%)1 (5%)00001 (5%)3 (16%)5 (26%)02 (11%)196 (32%)
[UFPE] Beto was ejected03 (19%)1 (6%)3 (19%)1 (6%)001 (6%)04 (25%)1 (6%)1 (6%)01 (6%)168 (50%)
[UFPR] YouShallNot.stay01 (9%)7 (64%)1 (9%)00000001 (9%)01 (9%)113 (27%)
[IFSP] RGB IFSP-ARQ Team003 (23%)6 (46%)00000003 (23%)01 (8%)131 (8%)
[IFSULMG/Muzambinho] Amigos da Aracele003 (23%)3 (23%)1 (8%)0000004 (31%)02 (15%)134 (31%)
[CEFET-RJ/Petrópolis] PD pá005 (56%)1 (11%)00000002 (22%)01 (11%)94 (44%)
[UFV/DPI] Bagre Branco, Branco Bagre002 (11%)1 (5%)2 (11%)00003 (16%)1 (5%)9 (47%)01 (5%)196 (32%)
[IME] WA em O(1)01 (7%)2 (13%)1 (7%)1 (7%)004 (27%)004 (27%)1 (7%)01 (7%)158 (53%)
[PUC/GO] BalloonField01 (8%)2 (15%)2 (15%)1 (8%)00001 (8%)2 (15%)3 (23%)01 (8%)135 (38%)
[IFPB/João Pessoa] 2 matemáticos e 2 flamenguistas001 (9%)1 (9%)4 (36%)000003 (27%)1 (9%)01 (9%)115 (45%)
[UnB/FGA] Mensageiros do à main001 (9%)1 (9%)3 (27%)00001 (9%)2 (18%)1 (9%)02 (18%)115 (45%)
[UFRJ] Que time?003 (15%)1 (5%)5 (25%)01 (5%)1 (5%)03 (15%)1 (5%)2 (10%)03 (15%)209 (45%)
[UFC/Quixadá] :ultra_fast_parrot:03 (17%)1 (6%)1 (6%)1 (6%)1 (6%)01 (6%)04 (22%)1 (6%)3 (17%)02 (11%)188 (44%)
[UECE] Abacate Atômico004 (31%)4 (31%)00000001 (8%)04 (31%)132 (15%)
[UFMT/Cuiabá] Vamu vense0005 (83%)0000000001 (17%)62 (33%)
[UFES] man java001 (13%)1 (13%)2 (25%)0000001 (13%)03 (38%)84 (50%)
[INATEL] Code Zwang001 (9%)2 (18%)0002 (18%)02 (18%)2 (18%)1 (9%)01 (9%)117 (64%)
[UFAM/IComp] NP-Compeixe0002 (29%)1 (14%)0000003 (43%)01 (14%)73 (43%)
[UFU] Home Off C++002 (17%)1 (8%)1 (8%)000004 (33%)3 (25%)01 (8%)126 (50%)
[UNESC] Code Distancing00011 (69%)00000004 (25%)01 (6%)161 (6%)
[UNIVEM] Overclock003 (27%)000000004 (36%)04 (36%)111 (9%)
[FATEC/Sorocaba] No Main No Gain003 (25%)4 (33%)00000004 (33%)01 (8%)123 (25%)
[USP/São Carlos] deitando no gramado03 (20%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)2 (13%)01 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)2 (13%)01 (7%)159 (60%)
[IFCE] CPA - Carregados Pelo Alyson002 (40%)1 (20%)00000001 (20%)01 (20%)54 (80%)
[UFSC] Bolonhesa004 (44%)3 (33%)00000001 (11%)01 (11%)94 (44%)
[UFSCar] S -> aSa | a0014 (35%)11 (28%)4 (10%)00001 (3%)08 (20%)1 (3%)1 (3%)403 (8%)
[UNOESTE] Alquimistas0004 (40%)00000004 (40%)02 (20%)103 (30%)
[UFV/Florestal] seila001 (17%)3 (50%)00000001 (17%)01 (17%)63 (50%)
[UNIFEI] The droids you are looking for002 (25%)1 (13%)1 (13%)001 (13%)001 (13%)1 (13%)01 (13%)87 (88%)
[UNIFAP] Conexão Tucuju: aqui o caixeiro chegou de barco0000000000000000
[ITESM/Monterrey] Legendary Grand Newbies01 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)2 (14%)03 (21%)02 (14%)1 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)1410 (71%)
[UdG/CUCEI] Leones(0,0,0)001 (7%)3 (20%)1 (7%)3 (20%)03 (20%)001 (7%)2 (13%)01 (7%)157 (47%)
[UGTODCNE] UG + es;001 (9%)3 (27%)0000001 (9%)1 (9%)05 (45%)115 (45%)
[Unicaribe] CaribbeanCoders0004 (80%)0000000001 (20%)51 (20%)
[ITNL] A verdad me engañe001 (8%)5 (38%)000006 (46%)0001 (8%)133 (23%)
[UANL] OlympiAC003 (38%)2 (25%)00000002 (25%)01 (13%)83 (38%)
[UASLP] !nullptr001 (7%)2 (14%)6 (43%)000002 (14%)1 (7%)02 (14%)144 (29%)
[ITESM/Monterrey] AC’Holics002 (20%)2 (20%)1 (10%)000002 (20%)1 (10%)02 (20%)104 (40%)
[ITAM] FoundTheBug.ItsMe01 (8%)3 (23%)3 (23%)1 (8%)000002 (15%)1 (8%)02 (15%)137 (54%)
[UP/Bonaterra] UPsolving01 (11%)1 (11%)1 (11%)1 (11%)000002 (22%)2 (22%)01 (11%)97 (78%)
[ITAM] Coachella++001 (11%)2 (22%)1 (11%)000003 (33%)1 (11%)01 (11%)95 (56%)
[UAA] Los testigos de Aarón - Aarón003 (38%)1 (13%)00000001 (13%)03 (38%)82 (25%)
[ITSUR] 010 girls & 001 Mike002 (17%)4 (33%)00000001 (8%)05 (42%)124 (33%)
[UdG/CUCEI] The Empire Strikes Back06 (43%)02 (14%)2 (14%)000002 (14%)1 (7%)01 (7%)144 (29%)
[UACH] Are ya winning son?4 (22%)011 (61%)1 (6%)00000001 (6%)01 (6%)184 (22%)
[UGTODCNE] EEE7 (23%)01 (3%)8 (26%)1 (3%)001 (3%)03 (10%)1 (3%)7 (23%)02 (6%)317 (23%)
[ESCOM IPN] Cámara Ya Súbelo Asi w01 (7%)1 (7%)2 (13%)1 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)006 (40%)1 (7%)01 (7%)156 (40%)
[ITQ] PañaleraSquad01 (5%)7 (35%)8 (40%)00000002 (10%)1 (5%)1 (5%)203 (15%)
[UACH] 3Loko002 (11%)1 (5%)0000004 (21%)7 (37%)05 (26%)194 (21%)
[ITESM/GDA] Tec GDL 10003 (25%)2 (17%)01 (8%)000004 (33%)02 (17%)123 (25%)
[CNyMyN] Hijos de Turing002 (10%)3 (15%)1 (5%)000004 (20%)6 (30%)04 (20%)204 (20%)
[UAZ] Las 3 inges0000000000000000
[UAZ] Newbies0005 (38%)0000000008 (62%)131 (8%)
[UNAM/FC] Pumas+002 (29%)2 (29%)00000001 (14%)02 (29%)74 (57%)
[ESCOM IPN] Escuela Superior de Comedia04 (36%)2 (18%)1 (9%)1 (9%)000001 (9%)1 (9%)01 (9%)116 (55%)
[UP/Bonaterra] PanPanaderos002 (25%)2 (25%)01 (13%)000002 (25%)01 (13%)84 (50%)
[ITESM/CHIHUAHUA] CODErregos001 (10%)1 (10%)000001 (10%)02 (20%)05 (50%)101 (10%)
[ITESM/CEM] Pitones 2.70003 (75%)0000000001 (25%)42 (50%)
[ESFM IPN] BFF (Brute Force Friend's) TLE :'v001 (25%)1 (25%)00000001 (25%)01 (25%)42 (50%)
[UAM/Azcapotzalco] UAMitosPlusPlus002 (33%)2 (33%)0000000002 (33%)62 (33%)
[UAO/Oaxaca] JJL001 (17%)1 (17%)1 (17%)0000001 (17%)02 (33%)64 (67%)
[ITSUR] Too lazy to propagate007 (39%)3 (17%)00000006 (33%)02 (11%)183 (17%)
[ESFM IPN] Void Guys001 (20%)2 (40%)00000001 (20%)01 (20%)53 (60%)
[UPIIZ - IPN] Las pistas de nullptr0001 (17%)00000003 (50%)02 (33%)63 (50%)
[UPGDL] DrimTimICP0002 (25%)000001 (13%)01 (13%)04 (50%)81 (13%)
[ESCOM IPN] return t + d + a;0001 (33%)00000001 (33%)01 (33%)31 (33%)
[ITESM/Monterrey] Riko Pollo0004 (40%)0000000006 (60%)101 (10%)
[UTM] Alcachofis001 (13%)1 (13%)1 (13%)0000003 (38%)02 (25%)84 (50%)
[ITESM/CCM] BrUwUs001 (14%)5 (71%)0000000001 (14%)73 (43%)
[ITVer] <CodeBreakers/>0001 (25%)0000000003 (75%)42 (50%)
[ITESM/Cuernavaca] Los que no vinieron001 (9%)1 (9%)2 (18%)0000004 (36%)03 (27%)115 (45%)
[UNAM/FES Acatlan] Lavanda Norteña003 (27%)5 (45%)00000002 (18%)01 (9%)113 (27%)
[UANL] TriAda01 (14%)1 (14%)2 (29%)000001 (14%)01 (14%)01 (14%)75 (71%)
[UNAM/FES Acatlan] UTF-80008 (73%)0000000003 (27%)111 (9%)
[DICISUG] Wolves002 (15%)4 (31%)4 (31%)0000002 (15%)01 (8%)134 (31%)
[UAZ] #include<uaz>0002 (29%)3 (43%)0000001 (14%)01 (14%)73 (43%)
[ITESM/CSF] Assassin Bugs001 (6%)10 (63%)2 (13%)0000001 (6%)02 (13%)164 (25%)
[UNAM/FC] PumOMM1 (7%)2 (14%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)01 (7%)2 (14%)2 (14%)01 (7%)1410 (71%)
[ITESM/Puebla] Oblivion00001 (20%)0000002 (40%)02 (40%)52 (40%)
[UNAM/ENES Morelia] Los de arriba son tramposos005 (36%)3 (21%)00000004 (29%)02 (14%)142 (14%)
[UAA] cagUAA++001 (20%)2 (40%)00000001 (20%)01 (20%)54 (80%)
[UNAM/FES Acatlan] M@C'nificas0001 (17%)0000000005 (83%)60
[ITESM/Monterrey] Ravioli002 (17%)1 (8%)00000007 (58%)02 (17%)124 (33%)
[UdG/CUCEI] Lonches Ahogados001 (10%)2 (20%)000001 (10%)05 (50%)01 (10%)104 (40%)
[UGTODCNE] Deep Think001 (20%)2 (40%)00000001 (20%)01 (20%)53 (60%)
[ESCOM IPN] Trololololo002 (25%)2 (25%)1 (13%)0000001 (13%)02 (25%)84 (50%)
[UNAM/FC] Chicas Superpoderosas0007 (70%)0000000003 (30%)101 (10%)
[UTN/FRLR] UNDER THE WIRE00000000000002 (100%)20
[UNdeC] CyberDelta0000000000000000
[UNLP/ING] Juwuniors0003 (43%)00000002 (29%)02 (29%)70
[UNju/FI] La Pacha++0004 (40%)0000000006 (60%)101 (10%)
[UTN/FRBA] TISA0000000000000000
[UNLP/FCE] Estufa En Piloto04 (33%)2 (17%)1 (8%)1 (8%)001 (8%)001 (8%)1 (8%)01 (8%)127 (58%)
[UBA/FCEN] SalChiCherny001 (5%)2 (11%)1 (5%)001 (5%)07 (37%)1 (5%)5 (26%)01 (5%)198 (42%)
[UBA/FCEN] Jugo De Naranja001 (13%)1 (13%)1 (13%)000002 (25%)2 (25%)01 (13%)86 (75%)
[UNR] bBsitaBblin0002 (25%)00000003 (38%)1 (13%)2 (25%)81 (13%)
[UNdeC] AltF400000000000001 (100%)11 (100%)
[UNR] Kwain001 (13%)2 (25%)00000004 (50%)01 (13%)84 (50%)
[UNC/FAMAC] Alt 4F02 (13%)1 (7%)1 (7%)2 (13%)2 (13%)03 (20%)01 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)159 (60%)
[UNR] Teamazo001 (14%)2 (29%)1 (14%)0000001 (14%)02 (29%)73 (43%)
[UNR] Argi.pop()002 (29%)1 (14%)2 (29%)0000001 (14%)01 (14%)74 (57%)
[UTN/Santa Fe] Sir Lock 221B005 (36%)2 (14%)00000006 (43%)01 (7%)143 (21%)
[UNLP/FCE] Coco Coco00015 (58%)00000004 (15%)07 (27%)261 (4%)
[UBA/FCEN] Prim Floyd01 (6%)1 (6%)2 (13%)1 (6%)5 (31%)02 (13%)01 (6%)1 (6%)1 (6%)01 (6%)169 (56%)
[UBA/FCEN] Perdí002 (17%)1 (8%)1 (8%)00006 (50%)01 (8%)01 (8%)125 (42%)
[UTN/Santa Fe] anarap+1001 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)003 (25%)03 (25%)1 (8%)1 (8%)01 (8%)127 (58%)
[UTN/Santa Fe] While one Break0008 (38%)1 (5%)00000011 (52%)01 (5%)213 (14%)
[UTN/Santa Fe] competencia.cpp:1:1 error: invalid team005 (25%)1 (5%)000000013 (65%)01 (5%)202 (10%)
[EMI] YAMETE KUDASAI000000000004 (80%)01 (20%)51 (20%)
[UTO] JavalimosPython004 (40%)1 (10%)1 (10%)000002 (20%)1 (10%)01 (10%)106 (60%)
[UMSA] 2sublimes&&1Atom0001 (20%)0000000004 (80%)51 (20%)
[UMSS] Dlinpieza002 (33%)1 (17%)00000001 (17%)02 (33%)63 (50%)
[UMSA] MBC0002 (29%)0000000005 (71%)72 (29%)
[UMSA] Breed0003 (60%)000000001 (20%)1 (20%)52 (40%)
[UTO/Huanuni] 3th day002 (67%)00000000001 (33%)30
[USB] Jala-Peños001 (14%)1 (14%)2 (29%)0000001 (14%)02 (29%)74 (57%)
[EMI] VAMO A GOOGLEARLO00000000000003 (100%)31 (33%)
[UCB/Cochabamba] The Fockers0003 (43%)0000000004 (57%)71 (14%)
[UPDSTJA/IS] Fernet's Theorem0005 (36%)00000002 (14%)1 (7%)6 (43%)142 (14%)
[UCB] #ICONoEsIngenieria001 (25%)1 (25%)00000001 (25%)01 (25%)42 (50%)
[UMSA] Elfita no te baias :v001 (9%)2 (18%)1 (9%)003 (27%)0001 (9%)03 (27%)116 (55%)
[UMSS] Que perdio04 (31%)1 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)001 (8%)01 (8%)1 (8%)2 (15%)01 (8%)139 (69%)
[UChile] Teoría de la Compota0005 (71%)0000000002 (29%)71 (14%)
[UTalca/Ing] <body> var progaming == {[my passion}]: <body/>02 (25%)02 (25%)0000000004 (50%)81 (13%)
[PUC] panino fritto wurstel patatine1 (11%)02 (22%)2 (22%)000001 (11%)0003 (33%)91 (11%)
[UTFSM] pan con malloc0006 (75%)0000000002 (25%)81 (13%)
[UChile] Polish Cow0007 (39%)000001 (6%)001 (6%)9 (50%)180
[UCM] Vacaciones... ohh Señor001 (10%)4 (40%)0001 (10%)000004 (40%)102 (20%)
[UChile] Volan{Team}004 (22%)2 (11%)5 (28%)002 (11%)01 (6%)02 (11%)02 (11%)184 (22%)
[UdeC] A-cin y se-cout005 (45%)1 (9%)1 (9%)001 (9%)0002 (18%)01 (9%)115 (45%)
[UdeC] ProBrah00012 (86%)0000000002 (14%)141 (7%)
[PUC] F Team001 (11%)2 (22%)2 (22%)000001 (11%)2 (22%)01 (11%)96 (67%)
[UTFSM] Soviet Union Find0003 (50%)000002 (33%)0001 (17%)62 (33%)
[UdeC] Puraperso007 (50%)4 (29%)000000002 (14%)1 (7%)142 (14%)
[UTFSM] DoItForChalo0005 (56%)000003 (33%)0001 (11%)92 (22%)
[UTFSM] 'long long long' is too long002 (14%)4 (29%)1 (7%)0000006 (43%)01 (7%)143 (21%)
[UdeC] Piña Colada001 (8%)7 (58%)0000002 (17%)1 (8%)01 (8%)124 (33%)
[PUC] Benjamín Rubio1 (9%)03 (27%)2 (18%)0000001 (9%)2 (18%)02 (18%)115 (45%)
[PUC] WcCari Land4 (21%)01 (5%)1 (5%)0006 (32%)003 (16%)3 (16%)01 (5%)196 (32%)
[PUC] Benja y el resto004 (21%)1 (5%)1 (5%)4 (21%)03 (16%)02 (11%)1 (5%)2 (11%)01 (5%)198 (42%)
[UNSAAC] Java Compilar000000000000011 (100%)110
[UNSA/CS] Cubitos Dubidu001 (17%)4 (67%)0000000001 (17%)61 (17%)
[UNSA/CS] Los Hormigas0003 (33%)0000000006 (67%)91 (11%)
[UNSA/CS] R2J0009 (75%)00000002 (17%)01 (8%)123 (25%)
[UNSAAC] ab model007 (54%)2 (15%)000000003 (23%)1 (8%)131 (8%)
[ULIMA] Sketch0002 (33%)0000000004 (67%)61 (17%)
[UNSAAC] #define Project_Mayhem 322121300002 (20%)2 (20%)0000003 (30%)2 (20%)01 (10%)104 (40%)
[ULIMA] Pie de KingKong001 (8%)3 (25%)0000000008 (67%)121 (8%)
[ULIMA] Hamawt´a0005 (83%)0000000001 (17%)62 (33%)
[UNI/FIIS] ADHOCKERS003 (38%)2 (25%)00000002 (25%)01 (13%)83 (38%)
[UNI/FIIS] FIIS0004 (50%)00000002 (25%)02 (25%)81 (13%)
[UNI/FIM] Miracle G2 (18%)2 (18%)1 (9%)3 (27%)0000001 (9%)1 (9%)01 (9%)115 (45%)
[UNI/FIEE] NEOmasters :v002 (18%)1 (9%)4 (36%)001 (9%)001 (9%)1 (9%)01 (9%)116 (55%)
[UCSP] 20 + 23 + x = 61005 (50%)1 (10%)1 (10%)0000002 (20%)01 (10%)103 (30%)
[UCSP] la_menudencia00011 (58%)0000000008 (42%)190
[UCSP] do_you_fala_espanhol?002 (29%)3 (43%)00000001 (14%)01 (14%)72 (29%)
[UNI/FC] Backtrack or Feed001 (14%)1 (14%)0000001 (14%)3 (43%)01 (14%)75 (71%)
[PUCP] SeVieneElKino002 (20%)1 (10%)1 (10%)002 (20%)001 (10%)2 (20%)01 (10%)107 (70%)
[PUCP] DogeToTheMoon4 (22%)01 (6%)7 (39%)0000001 (6%)1 (6%)04 (22%)184 (22%)
[PUCP] GeneraciónDel99001 (8%)3 (23%)0000001 (8%)1 (8%)07 (54%)135 (38%)
[PUCP] InkaQueues02 (18%)1 (9%)2 (18%)0001 (9%)02 (18%)1 (9%)1 (9%)01 (9%)117 (64%)
[UTEC] losROuNDingERrOrS0002 (67%)0000000001 (33%)32 (67%)
[UTEC] C3002 (17%)2 (17%)0000002 (17%)3 (25%)03 (25%)125 (42%)
[UTEC] SamuraisDelUwu03 (20%)1 (7%)2 (13%)4 (27%)1 (7%)00002 (13%)1 (7%)01 (7%)157 (47%)
[UNI/FC] PALomas del MAL1 (20%)002 (40%)00000001 (20%)01 (20%)53 (60%)
[UNI/FIIS] NoGuaranaNoFun06 (24%)1 (4%)1 (4%)5 (20%)001 (4%)08 (32%)1 (4%)1 (4%)01 (4%)258 (32%)
[ECCI] JaPyCmonos00000000000003 (100%)31 (33%)
[UPB/Buc] SarsCode002 (29%)2 (29%)000000001 (14%)2 (29%)71 (14%)
[EAFIT] Linkedlist Park02 (11%)4 (22%)4 (22%)3 (17%)0000002 (11%)03 (17%)183 (17%)
[EAFIT] Fast and Fourier01 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)001 (8%)05 (38%)1 (8%)1 (8%)01 (8%)138 (62%)
[UTP] UTP - NeoCode Generation0006 (67%)0000000003 (33%)92 (22%)
[UCP] ProjectC++00000000000001 (100%)11 (100%)
[UCP] IterandoCiclos0001 (50%)0000000001 (50%)21 (50%)
[UTP] UTP - Lucas001 (8%)1 (8%)1 (8%)002 (15%)02 (15%)1 (8%)4 (31%)01 (8%)138 (62%)
[UIS] Los Turingneitors0004 (40%)0000000006 (60%)101 (10%)
[UPB/Buc] CodeVid0001 (10%)000000001 (10%)8 (80%)100
[UFPSO] County Coders Reloaded04 (24%)0000000000013 (76%)170
[UFPS/Ocaña] County Coders00000000000003 (100%)31 (33%)
[UFPS/Cucuta] EverythingIsBinarySearch001 (14%)1 (14%)00000002 (29%)03 (43%)74 (57%)
[UFPS/Cucuta] go(n) reloaded(equipo)01 (13%)1 (13%)1 (13%)1 (13%)001 (13%)01 (13%)01 (13%)01 (13%)86 (75%)
[UNISANGIL] Llano Lindo0007 (58%)0000000005 (42%)120
[UNISANGIL] Alcaravan00000000000002 (100%)20
[ICESI] Undefined_V200000000000002 (100%)20
[ICESI] WeTookA3reak001 (6%)2 (12%)1 (6%)00001 (6%)3 (18%)2 (12%)07 (41%)174 (24%)
[UniValle] UniVerse00011 (79%)0000001 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)144 (29%)
[PUJ/Cali] Stacks Duracell0004 (25%)3 (19%)004 (25%)0002 (13%)03 (19%)162 (13%)
[PUJ/Cali] Time Limit001 (9%)3 (27%)00000004 (36%)03 (27%)114 (36%)
[UdeNar] Udenar.exe00000000000001 (100%)10
[UPC/Bog] Hello world00000000000005 (100%)50
[Uniminuto] Try Again00000000000004 (100%)40
[Uniandes] cin >> miedo004 (29%)4 (29%)00000004 (29%)02 (14%)144 (29%)
[Uniandes] Javamos de salida004 (25%)2 (13%)2 (13%)001 (6%)02 (13%)3 (19%)1 (6%)01 (6%)168 (50%)
[PUJ/Bog] ArremPUJados006 (46%)2 (15%)2 (15%)0000001 (8%)02 (15%)134 (31%)
[PUJ/Bog] -InsertName-0001 (8%)00000001 (8%)010 (83%)121 (8%)
[Uniamazonia] CodeBreaker();0002 (40%)0000000003 (60%)52 (40%)
[Uniamazonia] qUAlified002 (22%)5 (56%)0000000002 (22%)92 (22%)
[ECCI] Team NMA = new Team();0004 (50%)0000000004 (50%)80
[UPC/Bog] Programming Fellas00000000000006 (100%)60
[FUKL] MatemátiKos001 (9%)6 (55%)0000000004 (36%)111 (9%)
[FUKL] MagiKarp1 (13%)03 (38%)1 (13%)0000000003 (38%)82 (25%)
[UNAL/Bogotá] descomUNdiAL02 (11%)2 (11%)2 (11%)1 (6%)2 (11%)01 (6%)04 (22%)2 (11%)1 (6%)01 (6%)187 (39%)
[UNAL/Bogotá] tsUNami001 (6%)2 (11%)2 (11%)2 (11%)02 (11%)03 (17%)2 (11%)3 (17%)01 (6%)187 (39%)
[UTadeo] KFC0002 (17%)1 (8%)0000001 (8%)08 (67%)123 (25%)
[UTadeo] Valoreme el esfuerzo0003 (43%)0000000004 (57%)71 (14%)
[EAN] Simple Name001 (7%)12 (86%)0000000001 (7%)141 (7%)
[PoliGran] Jump Forces001 (8%)4 (33%)000001 (8%)03 (25%)03 (25%)124 (33%)
[PoliGran] Lemniscata001 (9%)7 (64%)0000000003 (27%)113 (27%)
[UCV] K3rN3l P4n!C!0001 (33%)0000000002 (67%)32 (67%)
[ULA] Autómatas002 (25%)3 (38%)0000000003 (38%)83 (38%)
[IUJO] SudoRM -rf0001 (17%)0000000005 (83%)61 (17%)
[USB] ulimit002 (13%)3 (19%)1 (6%)00005 (31%)1 (6%)3 (19%)01 (6%)166 (38%)
[USB] La bomba de tenedores001 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)4 (29%)02 (14%)01 (7%)2 (14%)1 (7%)01 (7%)148 (57%)
[UCAB] UCAB-Guayana0007 (58%)00000002 (17%)03 (25%)123 (25%)
[UCLV] 3N1?M409 (39%)1 (4%)5 (22%)0000004 (17%)3 (13%)01 (4%)235 (22%)
[UCLV] Covid++001 (13%)2 (25%)01 (13%)000003 (38%)01 (13%)84 (50%)
[UCLV] fastlle0mega0002 (50%)0000000002 (50%)41 (25%)
[UCLV] print("qvola")0004 (25%)000001 (6%)02 (13%)09 (56%)161 (6%)
[UCLV] SmartCode0005 (56%)0000000004 (44%)92 (22%)
[UH] Math&C.H.E.E.S.E001 (17%)1 (17%)1 (17%)001 (17%)0001 (17%)01 (17%)66 (100%)
[UH] TheNewCompetitors001 (10%)1 (10%)0000002 (20%)5 (50%)01 (10%)104 (40%)
[UH] UH Top03 (21%)1 (7%)1 (7%)1 (7%)2 (14%)01 (7%)02 (14%)1 (7%)1 (7%)01 (7%)1410 (71%)
[UH] UH++01 (5%)1 (5%)1 (5%)1 (5%)1 (5%)01 (5%)5 (26%)2 (11%)2 (11%)3 (16%)01 (5%)199 (47%)
[UCI] Bite_The_Dust0003 (30%)0000000007 (70%)100
[UCI] BrainStorm003 (21%)3 (21%)01 (7%)00002 (14%)4 (29%)01 (7%)145 (36%)
[UCI] OverlordTeam00000000000002 (100%)21 (50%)
[UCI] Puebla5003 (33%)3 (33%)00000002 (22%)01 (11%)94 (44%)
[UCI] Stackoverflow001 (20%)1 (20%)0000000003 (60%)52 (40%)
[UCI] Rätsel0005 (63%)0000000003 (38%)81 (13%)
[UCI] Ragnarok0001 (20%)0000000004 (80%)51 (20%)
[UCI] FreesTyle01 (14%)1 (14%)1 (14%)0000001 (14%)1 (14%)02 (29%)76 (86%)
[UCI] Tech Inc004 (20%)2 (10%)00000002 (10%)012 (60%)203 (15%)
[UCI] LCD00000000000005 (100%)51 (20%)
[UO/SAM] Este mismo!!0004 (44%)0000000005 (56%)92 (22%)
[UO/SAM] e-Team0001 (11%)00000003 (33%)05 (56%)91 (11%)
[UO/SAM] Hll++00000000000002 (100%)21 (50%)
[UO/SAM] VALKNUT02 (13%)3 (19%)1 (6%)7 (44%)000001 (6%)1 (6%)01 (6%)165 (31%)
[UO/SJAM] TLE_PLUS0001 (10%)0000000009 (90%)101 (10%)
[UPR] Easy0001 (50%)0000000001 (50%)22 (100%)
[UHO] UHO-010003 (27%)000002 (18%)0006 (55%)111 (9%)
[UHO] UHO-0200000000000003 (100%)30
[INTEC] INTEC Near002 (22%)1 (11%)0000000006 (67%)91 (11%)
[PUCMM/CSD] Ccenti90002 (25%)2 (25%)000000004 (50%)81 (13%)
[PUCMM/CSD] The Last Dance002 (20%)2 (20%)2 (20%)000001 (10%)2 (20%)01 (10%)105 (50%)
[UCNE] PD&JC0002 (40%)0000000003 (60%)50
[INTEC] INTEC Mello04 (44%)02 (22%)0000000003 (33%)90
[UWI/TTO] CTRL+ALT+ELITE00000000000003 (100%)30
[UWI/TTO] Many Underpaid Millennials (M.U.M)00000000000004 (100%)40
[UWI/TTO] Slightly Sleepy001 (10%)2 (20%)0000000007 (70%)102 (20%)
[UWI/TTO] Triad0001 (25%)0000000003 (75%)40
[TEC/Alajuela] Init 00005 (45%)0000000006 (55%)110
[UNA] Kb-190002 (33%)0000000004 (67%)60
[TEC/Alajuela] Suanfonsón00000000000002 (100%)20
[UCR] Mobius003 (23%)1 (8%)1 (8%)0000005 (38%)03 (23%)133 (23%)
[UCR] Chayotes UCR001 (11%)1 (11%)0000001 (11%)1 (11%)05 (56%)94 (44%)
[TEC/Alajuela] AGirlHasNoWA0002 (50%)0000000002 (50%)41 (25%)
[UNA] The Apache Guys00000000000002 (100%)20
[UNAN/Managua] Believe!0002 (33%)00000003 (50%)01 (17%)61 (17%)
[UCA] CodeVid002 (17%)8 (67%)0000000002 (17%)121 (8%)
[UCA] SIRI02 (12%)02 (12%)00000000013 (76%)171 (6%)
[UCA] .tar bomb3 (33%)02 (22%)2 (22%)00000001 (11%)01 (11%)92 (22%)
[UCA] a Team0001 (14%)0000000006 (86%)71 (14%)
[UCA] CDS002 (40%)00000000003 (60%)50
[UCA] Códigotruko1190002 (100%)000000000020
[UCA] Los He'Hes00000000000003 (100%)31 (33%)
[UCA] PCerdos0000000000000000
[UCA] RIBAL0002 (33%)0000000004 (67%)61 (17%)
[UCA] Rocket03 (38%)02 (25%)0000000003 (38%)80
[UCA] Seguidores de Ronalcristo0000000000000000
[UCA] Trojan Horse001 (33%)00000000002 (67%)32 (67%)

Runs by Time Period

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